what are they?

Things I love to share are the ones that make my day when I wake up, or make me feel good about my self, or even better help me learn something new every single day.

Friday, December 23, 2011


Spring may not be that close, but this does not mean that we cannot start looking on what we are going to wear.

Lovely and cute headbands are a must again this spring season and what better way to demonstrate your love for life by wearing lovely pieces of flowers on your hair.

Let the little girl inside you escape and show its face.

This does not mean that you have to lose dignity!

The next time you go out wear something "daring" that will make you stand out from the crowd and will be true to your style.

They can be bigger or smaller, more or less "loud", but still you will be able to show a different side of yourself.

And remember, it is probably the only accessory that can be easily worn by babies and grown ups at the same time!

Ohhh, so cute!

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