what are they?

Things I love to share are the ones that make my day when I wake up, or make me feel good about my self, or even better help me learn something new every single day.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I have decided to... BRING IT ON... P90x beginner

To tell you the truth I got a bit tired of going to the gym all these years and do the same things over and over again.

My schedule is really busy (when will the money ever come really? That was irrelivent with the topic but a question I cannot stop thinking of) so I do not have many options.

This is why I have decided to start working at home and for this reason I got the P90x dvd's.

I purchased a yoga mat with blocks, push up bars and resistance bands (had already a pull up bar installed at home).

Today I completed my first week and this is what I can say so far.


I am always sceptistic when it comes to over advertized products but I have to say that this time these guys did it.

Excellent work, great workouts, inspiring instructor and a good breakdown of exercises.

You get to work out 6 times a week and not once do you repeat a dvd, which means that there is a very good variety.

The exercises are hard but they CAN BE DONE even at a slower rate and still produce results.

Even I who considered myself to be somewhat fit, I had a hard time performing all of the routines in the requested rythme, but I was not discouraged when I could not make it.

After all, as it is mentioned in the DVD, Rome was not built in one day so I definitely have a long way to go.

I am a bit embarassed into posting a "Before" photo of myself but I will post a photo when I reach my "After" goal.

Will that be in 90 days? We will see.

Shall continue my updates on this program.

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