what are they?

Things I love to share are the ones that make my day when I wake up, or make me feel good about my self, or even better help me learn something new every single day.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Cream #2 - Bioten anti cellulite gel

Frankly I did not have enough money this month to buy something a bit more "sophisticated" so right after my previous cream  ended I did not have much choice but to go for another low budget product.

This time I took the Bioten anti cellulite gel which was also found in my local market store.

Have used it for 3 days now and so far I can say the following:

The product smells like strong green tea, quite refreshing actually.

A small portion is only requested so this is a plus.

Contrary to the previous cream, I can see a difference in the texture of the skin. It appears to be softer.

So far no significant difference is seeing towards the cellulite appearance but it is still early.

Let's see how this experiment will end...

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