what are they?

Things I love to share are the ones that make my day when I wake up, or make me feel good about my self, or even better help me learn something new every single day.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Solgar so far

It has been a few days since I started taking the Solgar skin nails and hair product and I can say the following:

1) My skin has a definitely improved tone.

Less visible dark circles under my eyes (almost to none dare I say) and a nice glow make my face look more relaxed.

There is no change in wrinkles but who knows, after a couple of months use maybe there will be some improvement there as well.

I have no idea if this is my fantasy or not, but I believe that my lips are a bit fuller as well.

I am not talking about a HUGE difference, but I have the feeling that they are a bit more "pumped" (?) than before.

2)  Yes, my nails have grown faster.

I did not have a problem with them being too weak so I did not notice any difference now, but they do seem to grow faster than before.

Since I am typing 8 hours a day, I expect to see a difference regarding strength in a couple of weeks or so.

3) To say that I have seen any huge difference in my hair would be a lie mostly because these days I have been keeping them on a bun.

BUT today I have scheduled an appoitment at my hair salon for my transformation into a redhead ... if I don't change my mind by then... so I expect to see if there is any difference in the growth rate after that (you know.. roots coming...)

OVERALL: quite pleased with it actually, I am giving it more time to see full range of results so I expect to have more news in about a month.

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