what are they?

Things I love to share are the ones that make my day when I wake up, or make me feel good about my self, or even better help me learn something new every single day.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Chop Suey

By Edward Hoppe.

 These two lovely ladies are  at a restaurant and are ready to have dinner.

We catch a second of their meeting, the light is coming in from the window next to them, the bright colors seem vibrant.

What are they talking about?

So Lisa... So 90's

If you say it like that... she must surely stay...

Eye makeup applicator

I am so intrigued by these eye make up patches that I think I may have to give them a try.

Like for instance the Coloronpro.com products, which seem really interesting

These beautiful girls here show how they use these patches, quite succesfully I might add:

Food from the whole world - Hungary

Watch this tasty chicken recipe from Hungary and give it a try!

Looks pretty yummy to me.

Oh excuse me.. Blair.. Blair...

Mr. Blair Underwood,

PLEASE stop right there!

Hottest couple in a movie - 14

Beauty under the sun

I love wearing makeup, but also my skin is very sensitive and I have to wear sunblock everyday.

In order no to overload my face with too many products I have searched over the years for the most suitable make up product that would cover my needs.

For me, the best combination comes with Shiseido Sun Protection Liquid Foundation.

I get excellent coverage, with a constant moisturizing feeling and protection from the sun.

This one is perfect for the day make up.

Look of the day

Again another beautiful sunny and fairly warm day today, so what better to wear than a light coloured top with a nice pair of jeans and boots.

Great outifit for a relaxed day at work and I am ready to see some friends afterwards.

Movies I can watch again and again - 5

I know the dialogues by heart and I still enjoy watching it!

Miss Piggi quotes

There is only one gift you should accept on your first date, diamonds.

The difference between pretty and beautiful is- pretty is temporal-whereas beautiful is eternal.

Never eat more than you can lift.

Too much exercise can damage your health.

Express your feelings all the time unless you're trying to hide something.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Some music to lift us!

One more look and I forget everything!

A Southern Cornfield in Nashville, Tennessee 1861

By American painter Thomas Waterman Wood.

The heat of the day along with the hard work does not put down this group of barefoot, tired but still smiling workers.

All time classic

Not only was he divine looking, he had a beautiful soul as well..

What more can you ask for?

Food from the whole world - Brazil

This is a very tasty fish recipe:

Can easily imagine myself being in Bahia enjoying this course!

Hottest couple in a movie - 13

Yes my dear, I love you and I know you love me...

Watch me at 01:09 m and see how I can swap you off your feet with just a smile!

Look of the day

Today it is sunny and fairly warm.

So, I can easily wear a light colorful skirt with a plain t-shirt and a cool jacket.

Hmmm, looks good!

NOTE: This is not me in the photos...

Movies I can watch again and again - 4

Ugly Truth is probably the funniest romantic comedy ever written.

I just wish that Gerard Butler would have kept is scottish accent..

Marie Curie quotes

I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done.

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.

Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.

There are sadistic scientists who hurry to hunt down errors instead of establishing the truth.

Monday, November 28, 2011

No competition

This film, this music, this couple, this story cannot just be part of a list.

The DEFINE each category.

Flying fish

A painting by Australian artist Chris Wake.

Watch for the fun colors, the "comic" design, the alternative perspective and the feelgood factor that jumps out of this image (at least this is what it shows me).

Mayan Families

You can check their activities here and see how you can help.

Cayo Largo

Yes, I have been there.

I put the trip in a 12 months payment through my credit card and travelled all the way to Cayo Largo, Cuba.

And no, it is not as good as the photos show it to be.

It is better!

Built my house..


Cream #2 - Results

The second cream is now finished.

It lasted for almost a month (I have to admit that I have missed using it for about 4-5 days) which is fine.

The product was placed from my knees up to my belly and to my upper arms.

The feeling of the skin this time was more like velvet.

After carefully checking my problem areas I can say that after two months of regular use in total, the cellulite appereance is reduced by a 40% in the area above my knees (which is the most problematic area in my body).

Also, I have noticed about a 50-60% reduction in my legs and buttocks, about 60% in my belly and my upper arms are now practically cellulite free (I know, weight training has helped too).

So, if I keep it up there is a possibility that by the end of the 12 months experiment, I may end up having an almost completely smooth skin.

Even if at the end I have 70-80% reduction in the cellulite appereance, then I will definitely be happy.

Still 10 months to go..

More 20's

While we have to wait for the new "The Great Gatsby" film to be released in 2012, I will take a close look at the 2012 Spring / Summer collection of Ralph Lauren, which is inspired by the era.

I am simply overtaken by the beauty of the pastel colors, the flowing movement of the fabrics and the retro feeling of the clothes that seem like a window back in time but with a modern view.

Well done!

Food from the whole world - Iceland

This looks like an easy Layered Cake recipe which should be fun and quick to make.

Think that I am going to enjoy it with some mulled wine and dancing to "Congratulations":

Lovely corset

This overbust corset is so amazing that I can even wear it on a night out with a pair of jeans and still look and feel sexy!

More can be found here at the vollers - corsets website.

Hottest couple in a movie - 12

Honey, we're hoooooome and we are in the list as well.

Oh, and the kids need food.

Kimono fun

My new purchase will probably be this amazing kimono top from H&M.

I have even made my look on the H&M website.

All black outfit, with high heels and the kimono to splash color.

It will look great with my red lips, right?

Movies I can watch again and again - 3

Yes ladies and gentlemen...

The ultimate classic Revenge of the Nerds is a film I can see over and over and over...

I loooooooove these guys!

Friday, November 25, 2011

2 in 1

Wait a minute..

Jeremy Renner in a Pink video as a cowboy?

Now that's what I call a profitable deal.

Hottest couple in a movie - 11

Hey you, get down NOW, we are in the list of the hottest couples in a movie.

I even ripped my shirt for you!

Food from the whole world - Lithuania

Kugelis is a traditional Lithuanian plate.

Here is how you can make it.

 Looks pretty yummy!

The Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer

By Degas

Take a look at the subtle movement of this sculpture, the sensivity that comes out of this young face, the shoulders stretched behind, the legs in a total "dancer's" position, the bow in the hair, the dress..

She almost ready to start walking down the stage.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

White eyeliner

White eyeliners are probably my favorite make up tools.

I use them under my eyebrows and also put them on the waterline.

This way my eyes look relaxed and bigger.

You can watch the below video as well:

You can also try beige or light yellow pencil for more natural results.

Movies I can watch again and again - 2

This one is "Love and other disasters" with the lovely Brittany Murphy.

So sweet!!!

Wake uuuuuuuuuuuuup

With the B-52's!!!!!!!

Yeah yeahhhhhh

O Mare E Tu

By Andrea Bocelli and Dulce Pontes


I want those shoes!

Made by Greek designer Dukas.

Yes Gabriel

Whatever you say Gabriel...

I am all yours Gabriel...

Guide to a better life - Step 12: Repeat after me... I am not a superwoman

Women tend to multitask.. a lot.

And by a lot I mean A LOT!

We seem to have the impression that only we are able to to certain things (everything to be more accurate) properly and no one else - especially men - are capable of even boiling an egg.

The result of this practice is that we try to do too many things at once and can easily lose our focus, our temper, our minds.

I have some news for you though: YOU CANNOT DO IT ALL!

It is humanly impossible to be absolutely perfect in everything at the same time.

The perfect wife
The perfect mom
The perfect daughter
The perfect worker
The perfect cook
The perfect friend
Have the perfect hair
Have the perfect body
Have the perfect house
Have the perfect family

How on earth is it possible to clean the house, iron the clothes, feed the kids, prepare that report, go to the gym, get your nails done etc etc in just a few hours a day?

We tend to look around us and see chaos building up and we drive ourselves crazy just because we want to do it all alone!


Please, take a moment and do nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Just sit on a couch, all alone, no tv on, no radio on.

Only you and the absolute silence.

And now think!

What is it that my family (husband, kids) can do that will free my hands for a while?

Can they do the laundry? How about the washing of the plates?

The paying of the bills?

The ironing?

There have been men in human history who have survived without a woman doing all the housekeeping for them.

This means that they are trully able in cooking the meal daily.

Should you hire some help to come once a week, or twice a month and help you do the heavy stuff at home?

Please, give yourself a break and let other help you too.

This will bring bigger balance into your home and you will give the opportunity to others to feel like they are actually contributing too.

The benefits will be much bigger than you expect.

So what if they mess up the first time they try?

Or if they make a mess?

The next time they will do it better, and better, and better.

So now, back to our lesson.

Repeat after me: I AM NOT A SUPERWOMAN!

Food from the whole world - Argentina

I enjoy trying out new recipes from all around the world.

It is amazing how the same ingredients can be used in so many different ways and have such amazing results.

This one comes from Argentina and it is so fun that kids can help as well.

I think I am going to try and make them this weekend!


I have been fortunate enough to see this magnificent piece of art up close.

The young mother holds the body of her dead son.

You can see and feel her sorrow.

Movies I can watch again and again - 1

There are some movies that I can watch many times over and over.

Woman On Top is one of them.

Murilio Benicio is probably the main reason...

Hottest couple in a movie - 10

Oh yeaaaaaah the chemistry is so intense with these two that they deserve a spot in the list.

I have the impression that the list will go on and on....

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hottest couple in a movie - 9

Oh la laaaaaaa another vintage hot couple  that hit the silver screen!


I will learn how to dance the brazilian samba!

My guess is that if I do this 30 min. a day, my lower body will be hard as a rock in just a couple of months.

Not to mention the flowing movementssssssssss...

Abraham Lincoln quotes

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?

Tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves.

In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

The best things in life are free!

Sing it Jo Stafford

The moon belongs to ev'ryone
The best things in life are free
The stars belong to ev'ryone
They gleam there for you and me

The flowers in spring
The robins that sing
The sunbeams that shine
They're yours, they're mine

And love can come to ev'ryone
The best things in life are free

Yes, it is a '20s song.

Say yaki-what?

Yaki-da my dear, say yaki-da...

At least in the Southern Hemisphere they have summer now...

One Gerry a day...

...keeps the doctor away? Not so sure about that!

Yeap, officially hypnotized!

Cat eyeliner

Haven't mastered it yet...

But with the help of this video I am working on it!

As shown by Chienkiri

What a beautiful smile

As painted by Chinese painter Nan Haiyan.

Waiting in line...

... for Thanksgiving dinner?

Gary Dourban hotness

I am begging you man.. get your act together

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Brown mascara

When I wear my morning makeup, I prefer it to be more natural.

That is why I like using brown eye liner and mascara instead of black.

Right now I am using the Radiant Black Brown mascara.

Very sweet results can be achieved also with the Clinique Black Brown Mascara

You can give it a try and see for youself how great it looks!


A woman's body from the view of Henri Matisse

From Wiki: An odalisque (Turkish: Odalık) was a female slave in an Ottoman seraglio. She was an assistant or apprentice to the concubines and wives, and she might rise in status to become one of them. Most odalisques were part of the Imperial Harem, that is, the household of the sultan.

Brillant way to start your day

When I look into your eyes...

Merci Danny Brillant

Hottest couple in a movie - 8

Monday, November 21, 2011

When you wake up in the morning

Put this song and start running...

You do not have to walk all 500 miles in one day... but it is a good start and a great way to start your day!!!!!

Dedicated to Gerard Butler

I am sure that many have the same wish...


I find that wearing "men's" clothes makes me feel very feminine... go figure!

Lucky me, more women feel the same way (some of them legends too).

Hmmm, I may go shopping for a new tie then...